IMI is used for administrative cooperation between the competent authorities of the Member States and between the competent authorities of the Member States and the Commission (Article 3 (1) of IMI Regulation No. 1024/2012).
Such cooperation is necessary to implement EU acts in the field of the internal market which provide for administrative cooperation, including exchange of personal data, between Member States or between Member States and the Commission (Article 26 (2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union).
For this administrative cooperation, the public administrations of Member States, which hereby take the form of "competent authorities", are usually registered within certain legislative areas in which they carry out their activities.
The registration is made by the national coordinator which, for Italy, is the Department for European Policies.
Competent authorities
Are competent authorities registered in the IMI system on the national territory:
- Ministries of the Interior, Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies, Infrastructure and Transport, Health, Justice, Defence, Education, University and Research, Economy and Finance, Environment and Protection of Land and Sea, Labour and Social Policies, Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism, Economic Development
- Territorial Directorates of Labour of all Italian provinces and Regional Directorates of Liguria and Piedmont
- All Italian Regions, the Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano and the Provinces of Terni, Pescara and Perugia
- Some Sicilian and Umbrian Municipalities
- ACCREDIA (Italian accreditation body)
- AGCM (Competition and market authority)
- ANAC (Anti-corruption authority)
- ANSF (National railway safety agency)
- National charters of agricultural experts, agricultural technicians and obstetricians
- National councils of the following professional bodies: journalists, psychologists, surveyors, social workers, industrial experts, geologists, accountants, chemists, actuaries, food technologists, agronomists and forestry doctors, engineers
- CONSIP (Public information services agency)
- National federations of the Italian pharmacists' association, winter sports associations, medical doctors' associations, surgeons and dentists' associations, professional colleges of medical radiology technicians, professional nurses' colleges, healthcare assistants, childcare assistants, veterinary associations
- INAIL (National Institute for insurance against accidents at work)
- INARCASSA (National social security and assistance fund for engineers and architects)
- Higher Institute for conservation and restoration
- Unioncamere (Union of chambers of commerce)