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National coordinator

Each Member State shall appoint a national IMI coordinator. In Italy, this role is held by the Department for European Policies, Internal Market and Competition Office.

The responsibilities and tasks of the national IMI coordinator involve, in accordance with Article 6 of Regulation No. 1024/2012:

  • Registering or validating the registration of IMI coordinators and competent authorities;
  • Operating as the main point of contact for Member States' IMI participants as to IMI matters, including providing information on data protection aspects in accordance with this Regulation;
  • Operating as the Commission's interlocutor for IMI matters, including providing information on data protection aspects under this Regulation;
  • Providing knowledge, training and support, including basic technical assistance, to Member States' IMI participants;
  • Ensuring effective functioning of IMI as far as under its control, including by providing timely and appropriate responses by Member States' IMI participants to requests for administrative cooperation.

IMI national coordination

Roberto Biasini: Referral supervision, data management, training
Loretta Niro: Referral supervision, data management, training

IMI Helpdesk:

To find out about national IMI coordinators, visit the European Commission website and the IMI website.

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