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From 12 December 2023, European citizens and businesses can fully manage 21 procedures online, from authentication to issuing an application receipt, without discrimination between national and cross-border users.
As of 12 December 2020, updated information on how to access and use the procedures provided for in Regulation No. 1724/18 can be found in the websites of relevant authorities.
What are the advantages?
By accessing the Your Europe portal, citizens and businesses can manage online the main procedures useful for living, working, moving or doing business in Europe. To facilitate citizens, businesses and entrepreneurs in carrying out administrative procedures across Europe, the Commission sets up the 'Once Only Technical System – OOTS', creating the first European data space serving citizens.
The system helps public administrations across Europe to share information so that citizens will no longer be required to submit the same documentation several times, if another authority is already in possession of this information in electronic format.
What is OOTS? Watch the video of the EU Commission
What has changed since December 2023?
- Authentication to any online procedure portal in Europe using a national electronic identity (eID)
- Faster identification of equivalent documents in any Member State
- Easy request to share documents or data between authorities