The Single Digital Gateway is one of the initiatives provided for by the Digital Single Market Strategy with the aim of responding to European citizens and enterprises’ need for greater mobility.
The Gateway is accessible through the Your Europe portal and consists of a single point of access to information, procedures, assistance and problem-solving services in several areas of the internal market, such as: travelling within the Union, studying and doing traineeships in another Member State; setting up, running or closing a business (Watch the video Building the Single Digital Gateway together of the European Commission).
Who is it aimed at?
European citizens and enterprises who, through the Your Europe portal, will be able to access the information provided for by Regulation n. 1724/2018 establishing the Single Digital Gateway, on rights, regulations and procedures at EU and national level. Member States are obliged to provide the information in at least one other official language of the European Union than their own language(s). For convenience, English has been chosen.
When is it going to be operational?
As follows, the main steps:
- From 12 December 2020, citizens and enterprises moving across EU borders can, through the Your Europe portal, easily find information on European and national rules applicable to different personal or professional events such as travel, retirement, education, employment, healthcare. In case of difficulties or doubts about these rules, users can also access support and problem-solving services.
- From 12 December 2022, on the other hand, information under local authorities’ responsibility will be available.
- From 12 December 2023, a number of procedures – e.g. registering a car, applying for a scholarship grant or pension benefits – will be entirely accessible online, with no more need for paper documents
How does it work?
From the Your Europe, the user (citizen or enterprise) is directed to the thematic websites of the EU or the Member State concerned.
What are the benefits?
The aim of the Single Digital Gateway is to remove as far as possible the obstacles resulting from the complexity of regulations and procedures for citizens and enterprises wishing to move within EU borders: easier search for information; good quality, complete and reliable information; time and money savings thanks to online access and management of procedures; easier access to problem-solving services.