"Your Europe" is the name under which the Single Digital Gateway is designated and promoted to the general public.
As of 12 December 2020, the Single Digital Gateway’s logo and the respective link ("Your Europe") must be visible in the websites of national institutions and the European Union, identified and communicated to the Commission as part of the Single Digital Gateway.
Being evidence of compliance with the quality requirements set out in the Regulations, the name and logo of the Single Digital Gateway also serve as a quality mark for the pages and websites included in the repertoire of links provided for in the Regulations.
This requires Member States to include "Your Europe" logo in national websites as a quality label, defined by a set of criteria in said Regulation which ensure that information on standards, procedures and problem-solving support services meet certain standards.
Precisely for this reason, the Regulation intends to make "Your Europe" logo easily recognisable and available to users.
Single Digital Gateway