Director General: Francesco Tufarelli
- Coordination and monitoring of horizontal EU policies and Secretariat of the Interministerial Committee for EU Affairs (CIAE)
- Coordination and monitoring of sectoral EU policies
The Directorate General Coordination of EU Policies is responsible for:
- building the Italian position during the EU law– making process through a constant coordination activity involving national administrations, regions, autonomous provinces, stakeholders and relevant social partners;
- monitoring the EU decision-making process and providing information to the national Parliament and central and local administrations on the outcome of the Council of the EU and European Council meetings;
- hosting the Secretariat of the Interministerial Committee for European Affairs (CIAE) and ensuring preparation and follow-up of the Committee’s meetings;
- following all activities related to the European sessions of the Standing Conference for the relations between the State, the regions and the autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano and of the Conference State-cities and local autonomies;
- in collaboration with the Ministry of Economy and Finance, coordinating the preparatory phases of the National Reform Programme under the “Europe 2020” Strategy;
- carrying out the activities aimed at ensuring the secondment of qualified Italian personnel to the EU institutions;
- running awareness-raising initiatives for the promotion of EU citizenship and the protection of fundamental rights.