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EUR-Infra database

EUR-Infra is the national database of infringement proceedings designed by the Department for European Policies in order to handle cases of non-compliance with EU law more effectively.

The database consists of two separate areas, the first one is accessible to public authorities only; the other one is open to the wider public.

The reserved area is accessible through an authentication procedure. Public authorities can apply for obtaining credentials to the inter-ministerial Mission for infringement procedures at the following e-mail address:

The public area is open for consultation without any authentication and offers general information about infringement proceedings pending against Italy: number of proceedings, subject matter, stage of the proceedings, relevant Directorate-General of the European Commission.

This is the first time that a tool has been developed that gathers all open infringement procedures and allows searches to be carried out according to different parameters of interest, such as the type of infringement, the subject matter, the stage of the procedure and the lead administration, offering useful information for both statistical and operational purposes.

However, EUR-Infra is also a new working tool for all administrations involved in infringement proceedings, which will have the possibility to access (section of the website not visible to the public) information on the status of the procedure and all the documentation in digitised form of the case.

In this way, procedures will be able to be managed more effectively and complete, reliable and official data will be able to be relied upon, as will information on the situation of infringement proceedings against Italy, as a result of a constant updating activity carried out directly by those responsible for the dossiers.

The documents relating to the individual procedures are confidential documents pursuant to existing legislation and national case law (EC Regulation No. 1049/2001 regarding public access to European Parliament, Council and Commission documents and Council of State rulings No. 2747 dated 14 May 2012 and No. 6737 dated 28 November 2018).

EUR-Infra was launched on 8 January 2008 and has recently been updated.

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