21 December 2022
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The 2021 Annual Report to the Parliament of the National Committee for the Suppression of Fraud against the European Union (COLAF) was presented on 21 December 2022 by the Minister for European Affairs, Southern Italy, Cohesion Policy, and the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, Raffaele Fitto, and the Commander of the Anti-Fraud Unit of the Guardia di Finanza, General of Division Stefano Screpanti.
The Report provides a comprehensive analysis of the EU infringements discovered in Italy in 2021, which confirm the steady decreasing trend that has already emerged in the last five years, with a total of 477 cases in the Structural Funds, Common Agricultural Policy and Own Resources sector of more than 55 million euros, down, respectively, by about 15 % and 37 % compared to 2020.
Read the Annual Report 2021 [.pdf - 4,28 Mbyte]
Fight against fraud