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SOLVIT, communication problems between Italian and Luxembourg social security institutions

19 September 2023

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An incorrect functioning of the communication system between the Italian and Luxembourg public administrations deprives a citizen of the health care service.

The case was reported to SOLVIT Italia by Mrs B. a few weeks ago. His son works for a Luxembourg company but the family resides in Italy. The Italian health system states that for workers abroad and dependent family members, health care is recognised following the issue of a specific form (S072) by the health system of the country where the worker exercises his profession. In this case, the Caisse nationale de santé (CNS) of Luxembourg.

The transmission of these documents takes place through the European system EESSI (Electronic Exchange of Social Security Information) which allows the exchange of data between social security institutions belonging to the EU. A system that often finds malfunctions. And this happened to Mrs. B.'s daughter-in-law who was left without health care despite the repeated reminders of the Socio Sanitaria Territoriale (ASST) to the CNS to issue the requested form.

"I couldn't manage it - Mrs B. tells us - I phoned countless times in Luxembourg and sent e-mails to our Ministry of Health and to the Directorate-General for Welfare of the Lombardy Region. Then, I discovered on the website of the Department of European Policies that there is a free service called SOLVIT that could have helped me. And I immediately wrote to the Italian Center.

We immediately contacted ASST – explains the staff of SOLVIT Italia – to have a copy of the request form and we sent it to our colleagues of the Luxembourg SOLVIT who immediately activated with the CNS. The institution has resubmitted the form that has been correctly received by the Italian health care company. SOLVIT Italia and SOLVIT Luxembourg monitored to resolve the case positively and as soon as possible.

And so it was. The procedure was perfected and Mrs B.'s daughter-in-law was finally enrolled in the National Health Service.

"I've discovered an important service that works competently and effectively - Ms. B writes - it's nice to know that there is really someone who listens to you and helps you. Thank you!"

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