22 February 2024
The review of the Report on the state of implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Plan at the center of the NRRP 'governing body' held this morning at the 'Sala Verde' of Palazzo Chigi, convened and chaired by the Minister for European Affairs, the South, Cohesion Policies and the NRRP, Raffaele Fitto. Present all the relevant ministries, representatives of the ANCI, UPI and the Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces.
The Minister explained the work carried out by the Government, in the second half of 2023, to achieve all the objectives planned and to complete, in constructive collaboration with the European Commission, the complex process of revision of the Plan, with the integration of the new REPowerEU Chapter, with the implementation of reforms and with the remodelling of numerous strategic measures for the structural economic growth of Italy, focusing more on digitalisation, environmental sustainability and the resilience of the economic and social fabric of the country.
"What has just passed, for the Meloni Government, was a semester of intense activity, which began with the start of discussions for the revision of the Plan, continued on 9 October with the payment of the third payment request, on 8 December with the final approval of the new NRRP by the Council of the European Union, on 28 December with the payment of the fourth payment request and on 29 December with the formal submission of the fifth payment request", said Fitto.
"It was intense and positive work that, with the approval of the fifth payment request, allowed Italy to reach 113 billion euros, or more than 58 % of the EUR 194.4 billion allocated at European level for the NRRP", the Minister explained.
"The total expenditure figure is 45.6 billion: a significant increase considering that as at 31 December 2022 was 24.4 billion", stressed the Minister."After the planning and tendering phase begins now that of the realisation of all the interventions. An important element that will have a very positive impact on the overall expenditure numbers".
"Given the results achieved, the activity will continue in the coming months following the dialogue set up with all the actors involved, intensifying the monitoring activities strengthened with the individual implementing actors, with the priority objective of accelerating spending and pursuing the achievement of the objectives and targets envisaged", concluded the Minister.
REPowerEU , NRRP , National Recovery and Resilience Plan