2 May 2022
Monday 2 May 2022, hearing of the associations Ad Maiora, Missione Parma, Millennials, LiberaMente and Rete VIS Volontari in Sinergia
In light of recent international crises, the associations Ad Maiora, Missione Parma, Millennials, LiberaMente and Rete VIS Volontari in Sinergia have jointly proposed a new model of cooperation between States a.k.a. EurAfrican Youth Assembly (EAYA) to give space to the contribution of civic and associative realities of the youth world.
More specifically, the proposal envisages the creation of an assembly made of youth associations under 30 years of age from the member countries of the European Union and the African Union, with a consultative role, which would meet regularly with the European Commission, the European Parliament, the Assembly and the African Union Commission.
The EAYA could be modelled on the United Nations’ structure, with a Secretariat, a General Assembly, and four permanent Commissions to deal with key topics.
A key element of the proposal aims at EAYA to be composed of social promotion associations, the third sector, and professional associations, so that one third of each would make up the assembly.
The key topics identified as pivotal are: anthropological sustainability, and eco-digital transition, agri-food crisis, and fight against poverty, innovation, work and education as well as cultural promotion, rights and equal opportunities.
The main objectives pursued by the project are: strengthening youth participation in political and institutional life; identifying common economic models and development goals; and starting to draft the 2100 Agenda.
In particular, the creation of common models should be sought through the pursuit of shared objectives that take into account the complementary needs of the two realities.