1 April 2022
Friday 1 April 2022, Hearing of Class VB of “I.I.S. Di Poppa-Rozzi” in Teramo.
The 12 pupils (Desiree Cubeddu, Simpunga Anaclet, Edoardo Antonio Bosi, Alisha Feliciani, Chiara Di Sante, Giorgia Firmani, Camilla Caldarola, Eleni Benini, Suami Cascioli, Noemi Di Addario, Andra Diaconu, Patrick Di Giorgio) from Class VB (Tourism Hospitality) of Teramo’s “Istituto d'Istruzione Superiore Di Poppa-Rozzi”, are the authors of the digital comic strip titled "L'Europa che vorrei" (The Europe I would like), which traces the fundamental stages of the European Union, from World War II to the present day, highlighting the spirit of solidarity, cooperation and peace that have accompanied and inspired the process.
Hearing summary
Accompanied by the head teacher (Caterina Provvisiero) and three teachers (Gabriella Colangeli, Manola Di Felice, and Paola Matriciani), the students shared some remarks on the topics they deem the European Union should review and identified the top priority issues for the future of Europe.
With regard to employment, they called for more and fairer opportunities (men- women and inter-generationally) in order to avert "brain drain" phenomena. They also called for investment in healthcare and safety, and elimination of contractual forms that do not offer sufficient protection, with special reference to young people. They identified R&I as key for the growth of each Country, calling for more investment in these areas.
Furthermore, they urged for intergenerational dialogue to give young people a central role in managing the change pursued, and for greater inclusion in order to eliminate all forms of discrimination (based on nationality, gender, age, socio-economic conditions).
They consider it necessary to better protect the historical, artistic and cultural heritage, starting from the consideration of cultural diversity as an added value, and to implement the transport infrastructure network, investing more resources and focusing on sustainable and innovative solutions.
For the students interviewed, the priority themes for the future of Europe are sustainability, peace and security, the European single market, education (and school training on EU-related subjects) and training abroad.
The students emphasised that participation in the Conference on the Future of Europe could be a prerequisite for development of future policies that are more responsive to the needs and expectations of European citizens. They therefore hoped that the Conference would become a good practice to reduce the sense of mistrust and distance between citizens (primarily youngest ones) and politics.
By means of the digital comic strip titled "L'Europa che vorrei" (The Europe I would like), broadcast in the margins of the hearing session, the 12 pupils also conveyed a message of solidarity, cooperation and peace, sentiments which accompanied and inspired the process of the European Union's formation and which the students wish to recall in the current historical moment.