4 dicembre 2021
Il Dipartimento per le Politiche Europee ha organizzato il 2 e 3 dicembre 2021 la sessione autunnale del Club di Venezia, che ha visto riuniti, in presenza e da remoto, oltre 80 rappresentanti istituzionali ed esperti di comunicazione pubblica di tutti i paesi europei.
Ha aperto i lavori Vincenzo Amendola, Sottosegretario agli Affari Europei.
Le sessioni plenarie del Club, che si tengono due volte l'anno, hanno lo scopo di intensificare la collaborazione e lo scambio di best practice tra i componenti del Club – responsabili della comunicazione istituzionale degli Stati membri e candidati dell'UE – e delle istituzioni europee. Quest'anno l'evento ha assunto una particolare rilevanza perché ha coinciso con il 35° anniversario del Club di Venezia, di cui l'Italia è stata tra i fondatori.
Nella prima giornata, la sessione mattutina è stata dedicata alla Conferenza sul futuro dell'Europa, affrontando in particolare:
- i punti di forza e di debolezza della campagna di comunicazione;
- la cooperazione interistituzionale;
- la partecipazione del mondo accademico, della società civile e delle organizzazioni/associazioni internazionali;
- i profili di trasparenza.
Nel pomeriggio, si è discusso di comunicazione pubblica in relazione al COVID-19 e alla gestione dei piani di ripresa, ovvero:
- narrazioni, asincronie, comportamenti e strategie collaborative, ruolo dei governi e delle istituzioni UE, lezioni apprese dalle diverse ondate pandemiche
- prevenzione sanitaria (futura cooperazione con le comunità scientifiche)
- società civile, media e social network
- analisi dell'opinione pubblica.
Il giorno seguente, il 3 dicembre, si è svolto invece un focus sui cambiamenti climatici intorno ai seguenti temi:
- comunicare le scadenze
- promuovere la consapevolezza dei rischi e gli standard comportamentali auspicati
- sollecitare la cooperazione
- usare la comunicazione per stimolare un monitoraggio effettivo e roadmap realistiche
- incoraggiare la collaborazione tra comunicatori e comunità scientifica.
L'Italia - oltre a presiedere il G20 - è stato partner del Regno Unito nella preparazione della COP26 sui cambiamenti climatici a Glasgow. La COP è sempre stata per il Club un appuntamento fondamentale, anche dal punto di vista della comunicazione strategica e della public diplomacy.
Giovedì 2 dicembre 2021 (9:00 – 12:45)
9:00 – 09:20 Opening Session
Welcome statements – representatives of the hosting Italian authorities and the European Institutions
Diana AGOSTI, Head of the Department for European Policies, Presidency of the Council of Ministers
Fabrizio SPADA, Head of the Institutional Relations Department, European Parliament Information Office in Italy
Antonio PARENTI, Head of the European Commission’s Representation in Italy
Andrea TOMAELLO, Deputy Mayor, City of Venice
9:20 – 10:00 Key addresses
Vincenzo AMENDOLA, Undersecretary for European Affairs, Italian Government
Stefano ROLANDO, President of the Club of Venice
Celebration of the 35th Anniversary of the Club of Venice
Presentation of the special publication of Convergences
10:15 – 12:45 Plenary session
"The Conference on the Future of Europe – What is at stake"
- analysing the communication campaign
- strengths and weaknesses in the cooperative platforms
- cooperation between Member States and Institutions
- cooperation with the academic world, civil society andinternational organisations and associations
- assessment of strategic approaches and citizens’ expectations
Vincenzo LE VOCI, Secretary-General of the Club of Venice
Key Note speaker:
Anne-Claire LEGENDRE, Porte-parole et Directrice de la Communication, Ministère de l’Europe et des Affaires étrangères, France, membre du comité de pilotage du Club de Venise
Christian MANGOLD, Director of Campaigns, European Parliament, Directorate-General for Communication
national contributions:
Tommaso ANDRIA, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Italy
Ms Goranka PRIMC, Head of Division for EU institutional affairs in the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Croatia
Igor BLAHUŠIAK, Director of the European Affairs Communication Department, Office of the Government, Czech Republic
Damijan FIŠER, Spokesman of the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU (Coreper II)
Alain DUMORT, Senior Communication Expert, European Commission DG COMM
Pier Virgilio DASTOLI (President, European Movement – Italy)
Marco INCERTI, Director of Communications, European University Institute (EUI).
14:15 – 17:15 Plenary session
"Handling COVID-19 and the recovery plans – challenges for public communication"
- analysing efficiency of communication strategies/measures at European, national, regional and local level during the vaccination campaign
- prevention: future cooperation with scientific communities
- cooperation with the civil society, media and social networks in countering disinformation
- analysing the state of public opinion
Erik DEN HOEDT, Vice President of the Club of Venice, Netherlands
Key Note speakers:
Craig MATASICK, Policy Analyst, OECD Headquarters
Jesus CARMONA, Director for Media, Directorate-General for Communication, European Parliament
national contributions:
Ave EERMA, Head of the Integrated Political Crisis Response Crisis Communication Network (IPCR CCN); National Coordinator for Risk and Crisis Communication, Strategic Communication Department, Government Office of Estonia
Maristella ROMANI, General Secretariat of the Council of the EU, DG RELEX (joint contribution)
Marius JANUKONIS, Director of Communication and Cultural Diplomacy Department,, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, member of the Steering Group of the Club of Venice
Sergio IAVICOLI, Director-General, DG for Communication and European and International Relations, Ministry of Health, Italy
Frank KNECHT, Deputy Head of the ‘Strategic & Corporatecampaigns’ Unit, Directorate-General for Communication, European Commission
Daniel HOLTGEN, Director for Communications, Council of Europe
Marco RICORDA, Communications Officer, International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD)
Venerdì 3 dicembre 2021 (9:30-13:00)
9:30 – 12:15
ROUND TABLE: Climate Change: communication as a triggering factor
- communicating deadlines: concrete monitoring and realistic road maps
- promoting risks knowledge and desired behavioural standards: lessons learned from COP-26 UNCCC
- Urging cooperation: 1) between all actors, in particular between EU institutions and Governments; 2) between communicators and the scientific community
Marco RICORDA, Communications Officer, International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD)
Key Note speakers:
Andrea LO PRESTI, Ministry of Ecological Transition, DirectorateGeneral for Security and Energy Infrastructures, Head of the European Affairs Division, Italy
Alex AIKEN, Executive Director, International Relations and National Security, Government Communication Service, United Kingdom
Irene PLANK, Director of Strategic Communication, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Germany, member of the Steering Group of the Club of Venice
John CHRYSOULAKIS, Secretary-General for Greeks Abroad andPublic Diplomacy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Greece, member of the Steering Group of the Club of Venice
Edvilas RAUDONIKIS, Ambassador for Climate, Lithuania
Yves CHARMONT, Délégué général, Cap’ Com
Giuseppe ZAFFUTO, Spokesperson, Council of Europe
James DENNISON, Research Fellow, European University Institute
Anthony ZACHARZEWSKI, Director of The Democratic Society
12:15 – 12:45 Outline of ongoing focus activities
- Capacity/capability building: 1) results of Berenschot survey and possible follow-up (Robert WESTER, Managing Director, Berenschot EU); future cooperation with international organisations and external specialists
- Communicators’ role in resilience vs hybrid threats: 1) work plan of the new ad hoc working group of the Club and its first two meetings on 4 October and 23 November 2021 (Richard CHALK, Chief Executive, REOC Communications); 2) future cooperation with international organisations and external specialists
12:45 – 13:00 Closing Session
Reflections on the issues emerged during the plenary meeting
Planning for 2022: key-events:
- Climate change seminar (in cooperation with Cap’Com) – February 2022
- 5th Stratcom seminar (in cooperation with the UK GCS) – London, 9-10 March 2022
- Work in synergy with international partner organizations (OECD, ICMPD, SEECOM, SEEMO, DEMSOC, HSS…)